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《隱藏技術》Invisible Technology
雙頻道錄像裝置 Double Channel Video Installation
9分40秒,9 min 40 sec

2027年,由於人工智慧成熟發展,一家 AI 公司開始著手 進行「完美操作技術」的研發,但只有人類需要透過操 作技術與數位連接,對於不需要操作技術的 AI ,只能透 過數據庫的回溯分析人類過往的操作技術歷史。作品 《隱藏技術》即是發生在這個不久的將來,人工智慧對 當前最主流的操作技術「觸控」所做的資料簡報,從 2007年首支iPhone的發售開始,不斷地隨著時間線往後 回溯,甚至連結到了存於虛構的遠古中國武術「點穴」。

In 2027, due to the mature development of artificial intelligence, an AI company began its research and development on "Perfect Operation Technology". However, only humans needed to rely on operational skills and digital connections. For AI that didn't require operational skills, they could only analyze the historical operational techniques of humans through a retrospective analysis of the database. The work "Invisible Technology" is set in this not-so-distant future, where artificial intelligence presents a data presentation on the current mainstream operation technology, "Touchscreen," starting from the launch of the first iPhone in 2007 and continuously tracing back along the timeline, even linking to the fictional ancient Chinese martial art, "Dim Mak".

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Invisible Technology: Gallery
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